Overview of HMP
is a fund management company specializing in the healthcare industry.
It is a joint venture between Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc. (66%) and the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (34%).
HMP has closed four healthcare funds with a total size of JPY 80bn.
(Total Debt
Refinance)Rebuilding or
Extending HospitalsBusiness
(Building eldercare
Purchasing advanced
medical equipment)M&A
Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.
- Long-standing leasing business with medical institutions
- Credit analysis capability through account receivable factoring
- Solid relationship with hospitals all over Japan
- Co-working with Mitsubishi Group companies
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
- Rich track record of lending to the healthcare industry
(Senior loan, Mezzanine loan, Debt purchase, Real estate securitization) - Solid relationship with regional banks
Healthcare Management Partners
- Rich experience in management of specialized healthcare funds and supporting hospital turnarounds
- Proficiency in analyzing and evaluating hospital and eldercare business
- Management know-how to improve the profits of medical institutions through hands-on consulting activities
Corporate profile
- Name
Healthcare Management Partners, Inc.
- Address
Shiodome Bld. 15th,1-2-20 Kaigan, Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0022
Yoshiyuki Morii
- Establishment
- Capital・shareholder
JPY 321.5 million (Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc. 66%, Development Bank of Japan Inc. 34%)
Overview of Trinity Healthcare Ⅲ Investment
Limited Partnership
- Name
Trinity Healthcare Ⅲ Investment Limited Partnership
- General Partner
Healthcare Management Partners, Inc.
- Limited Partner
Mitsubishi HC Capital, Development Bank of Japan
- Establishment
- Investment Period
5 years
- Investment Management Period
10 years
- Fund size
JPY 25 billion
- Target of Investment
・Real estate of healthcare businesses
・Mezzanine debt to healthcare businesses
・Acquisition of loan receivable to healthcare businesses